7 Reasons Behind Cat Meowing | Cat Talk

The cat meow is its way of communicating with people. Cat meows for various reasons, such as greeting, requesting, or alerting us to a problem.

Cat Meow to Interact with Us

Cat meow to communicate, and it’s not always because they’re stressed. Cats meow more often at humans than at other cats because they have discovered that humans respond to vocal communication. To convey various messages, they may even employ various pitches and cadences.

While a long-winded meow could be more directive, a quick meow might merely be a greeting. A low pitch may indicate a complaint, whereas a high pitch may indicate rage or suffering. Alternatively, your cat may trill or chirp to get your attention.

cat meow
cat meow

Excessive meowing in cats can be attributed to stress or other factors.

Not all instances of meowing are solely for communication. Excessive meowing can occur when your cat frequently cat meows during the night. Several scenarios can cause your cat to be more vocal.

Why does my cat meow excessively?

Cat meows for various reasons, ranging from essential matters to seeking attention. The items that are included are:


The initial step involves a comprehensive checkup performed by your veterinarian. Excessive meowing in cats can be caused by various diseases that result in feelings of hunger, thirst, or pain. Cats can also develop an overactive thyroid or kidney disease, which can cause them to vocalize excessively.

Desire for attention

Contrary to popular belief, cats do not enjoy being alone for extended periods. Cats frequently meow to initiate play, seek petting, or converse with you.

If you wish to reduce attention-seeking meows, refrain from responding when they occur. Only give them attention when they are being quiet. If the cats start meowing again, you can look at them or walk away. However, it is essential not to neglect your pet.

Make sure to dedicate quality time every day to spend with your pets. Engage in activities like playing, grooming, and having conversations with them. A tired pet tends to be quieter.

Interested in eating something

Particular cat meow consistently whenever someone enters the kitchen, hoping to receive a morsel of food. Many cats become pretty vocal when their feeding times approach.

If you face this issue, refrain from feeding your cat when they cry. It is advisable to wait for them to become quiet before placing their food, and it is best not to reward their meowing with treats.

If this method is ineffective, consider acquiring an automatic feeder that can be programmed to open at specific times.

Now the kitty will meow at the feeder instead of you.

Greetings to you

Cat meow when their owners return home or encounter them inside the house. Breaking this habit can be challenging, but try to perceive it as a way for your cat to express their joy in seeing you.

They feel lonely

If your pet spends too many hours alone each day, consider hiring a pet sitter to enhance your pet’s quality of life. Place a bird feeder outside a window where they can enjoy watching the birds.

Remember to place foraging toys with food inside. Provide them with a kitty condo and regularly rotate different toys for their playtime.

A cat experiencing stress

Cats that are under stress often tend to become more vocal. Introducing a new pet or baby, relocating, making changes to the home, experiencing an illness, or coping with losing a loved one can all cause your cat to become more vocal.

Make an effort to identify the source of stress for your pet and assist them in adapting to the new situation.

If it is impossible, give your cat extra attention to help calm them.

Cats and the Aging Process

Similar to humans, cats can experience a type of mental confusion known as cognitive dysfunction as they get older. They experience disorientation and frequently cry plaintively without any apparent cause, particularly during nighttime.

A nightlight can be helpful if your cat becomes disoriented at night. Veterinarians can also prescribe medications that can alleviate these symptoms.

cat meow
cat meow

How to Make a Stressed Cat Meow Less?

If your cat is meowing due to stress, there are several things you can do to assist.

Using calming diffusers can be helpful.

Consider using a calming diffuser to help your cat feel more at ease. The Comfort Zone Calming Diffuser is designed to release a drug-free and odorless vapor that imitates cats’ natural and soothing pheromones.

The Comfort Zone Multi-Cat Diffuser is designed to alleviate cat tension and conflict. It achieves this by releasing a synthetic pheromone that mimics the natural pheromone produced by mother cats.

This pheromone helps create a sense of safety and security, similar to what kittens experience with their mothers.

The pheromone used in this product is distinct from the one utilized in the Comfort Zone Calming Diffuser. However, it is possible to use both products simultaneously.

Ensure that you allocate additional time to engage in play with your cat.

If your cat is bored, try engaging her more in activities that stimulate her brain. Consider using a feather wand or a red laser toy to encourage your cat to engage in physical activity.

These toys can entice your cat to run around the house. To engage her in play, hold a treat in your hand and encourage her to chase after you. Consider investing in a window perch where your cat can comfortably sit and enjoy some “cat TV.”

You can enhance your training approach by incorporating clicker training techniques. Cats can learn various tricks such as sitting, giving a high-five, jumping over objects, ringing a bell, and navigating an obstacle course.

Consider investing in items that can help boost confidence.

Cats experience increased confidence and reduced stress levels when they have personal belongings. Naturally, they are territorial creatures and require their own spaces to feel comfortable.

Consider installing cat trees, condos, and scratchers throughout your home. Using a cat scratcher is an excellent method for alleviating tension and stress.

Meowing is not the sole stress-related behavior.

While some of your cat’s actions may be more ambiguous, here are a few that are typically considered a reaction to stress, similar to excessive meowing:


Seeing your cat spraying urine on vertical surfaces instead of squatting and urinating on the floor or carpet indicates that he is marking his territory.

Typically, this reaction occurs when there is a stressful disruption in his routine, such as introducing a new pet, a change in living arrangements, the presence of visitors, or even a simple furniture rearrangement.

Scratching the cat

Cats scratch for various reasons, such as maintaining their claws, stretching their muscles, and marking their territory. Cats tend to scratch more when they are feeling stressed.

Here are some actions you should refrain from.

Please only ignore it after first ensuring that there are no issues.

While it is generally not encouraged to reinforce meowing behavior in cats, it is essential to acknowledge that there are instances where cats meow for valid reasons.

For example, they may be unable to access their litter box, find themselves trapped in a room, or discover their empty water bowl.

When your cat meow, check on them to determine if it’s a situation you can safely ignore or a problem that needs immediate attention.

It is not advisable to punish a cat for meowing.

Using physical force, yelling, or spraying water on cats is not an effective long-term solution for quieting a meowing cat. These actions can lead to your cat developing a sense of mistrust or even dislike towards you.

cat meow
cat meow

Don’t give in.

If your cat is used to getting what they want from cat meowing, it will meow more, and louder when it quits working. In simpler terms, the situation is likely to deteriorate before any improvement can be expected.

Just keep rewarding quiet behavior and ignoring meowing; eventually, they’ll get the idea.

Taking your cat to the veterinarian is crucial.

If a cat is meowing excessively, it is essential to have them thoroughly examined by a veterinarian to rule out any potential medical issues as the underlying cause of their distress.

Several diseases can cause cats to experience increased hunger, thirst, restlessness, or irritability. These symptoms often lead to excessive meowing. It is essential to have your cat checked by a veterinarian, even if she has a history of meowing for food.

As cats get older, they are more likely to develop an overactive thyroid or kidney disease, both of which can lead to excessive cat meowing.

The cat is defecating outside of the litter box.

Cats engage in various behaviors for a multitude of reasons. If she is squatting and eliminating on the floor or carpet, there could be several reasons for this behavior.

It might be due to a dirty litter box, a noisy location, being blocked by another animal, or possibly a health issue. However, if she is spraying, which involves marking vertical surfaces, it is highly probable that it is due to stress.

Even defecating outside of the litter box or failing to cover it may be a result of stress.

Stress can have various negative effects on cats, one of which is excessive cat meowing. To reduce stress and strengthen your bond with your cat, consider investing in items that your cat can “own,” such as toys or scratching posts.

Additionally, setting up calming diffusers and dedicating more time to spend with your cat can also be beneficial.

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